Tata Sky Broadband, a subsidiary of Tata Sky Limited has introduced a new 200 Mbps unlimited plan at Rs 1050 per month. The operator with its presence in 14 cities across India revamped its broadband plans in the past week with the service provider also enabling its users to avail landline services. In late May, Tata Sky Broadband revamped its service plans with the operator also reducing its Fixed GB plan offerings to four tiers in the majority of the cities where it offered its services. The operator has since reduced its presence across India with its Fixed GB plan currently restricted to one location.
Tata Sky Broadband Introduces 200 Mbps Unlimited Plan
Tata Sky Broadband said that the 200 Mbps unlimited plan is said to be available in “select areas and is subject to technical feasibility.” The users subscribed to the 200 Mbps plan priced at Rs 1050 per month excluding taxes will have the speeds restricted to 3 Mbps upon hitting 3300GB data consumption. The operator highlighted that the 200 Mbps plan is available for subscription on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. The users subscribing to the 200 Mbps plan on a monthly basis are required to pay Rs 500 as installation charges and Rs 1000 as refundable security deposit. However, the users subscribing to the 200 Mbps plan on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis are not required to pay the installation charges and refundable security deposit. Tata Sky Broadband highlighted that the users subscribed to the 200 Mbps plan on a monthly and quarterly basis can avail the landline services for Rs 100 per month. The charges for the landline services are said to be waived off to users on the semi-annual and annual packs. The operator has currently listed its 200 Mbps plan in Bengaluru, Chennai, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mira Bhayandar, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, New Delhi, Noida, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune and Thane.
Tata Sky Broadband Revises 300 Mbps Plan
Tata Sky Broadband has also revised the price point of its 300 Mbps plan said to be available in “select areas.” The operator highlighted that the 300 Mbps plan introduced earlier in the year has been revised to Rs 1500 per month exclusive of taxes. The 300 Mbps plan is said to be available on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. The operator has currently listed the 300 Mbps in Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune and Thane. Tata Sky Broadband has also listed the 300 Mbps plan in Kalyan-Dombivli. However, as of press time on Monday, the 300 Mbps plan in Kalyan-Dombivli currently reflects the previous price point of Rs 1900 per month.